Dental Crowns
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Maintaining a healthy mouth requires effort and dedication. From everyday wear and tear to remnants of food, your teeth undergo quite the stress—no matter how well you care for them! Over time, these small external factors can add up and create cavities requiring restorative attention. At Amigos Dental Care in Salt Lake City, Dr. Todd Petersen and Dr. Tad Tholstrom can quickly consult and act if you’re experiencing a dental problem that requires a dental crown. Whether you’ve discovered by surprise during a routine checkup or an oral health issue is making its presence known, dental crowns can keep those pearly whites strong for years!
What is a dental crown, and should I get one?
Dental crowns (or tooth caps) are restorative appliances that can cover and protect teeth while providing strength and structure for improved function.
Tooth crowns are ideal for those with a weakened tooth needing extra support or wishing to disguise misshapen, discolored, or other aesthetically compromised teeth. Also, dental crowns are helpful when it comes to stopping the spread of decay and damage, which can eliminate the need for tooth extraction.
The Tooth Crown Procedure
The Amigos Dental Care team ensures that your smile shines the brightest! Here’s what a patient can expect during a dental crown procedure:
Dr. Petersen and Dr. Tholstrom use a combination of visuals, physical investigations, and X-rays for the highest level of accuracy.
Our dentists will numb the tooth and remove any decayed or unhealthy tissue if necessary.
If it's determined that a dental crown is best suited for you, our Salt Lake City family dentists take highly detailed digital impressions, which are sent to our dental laboratory so that the custom fitting process can begin.
Amigos Dental Care will provide an interim protective cover for the tooth until the final dental crown is created.
After a detailed craftsmanship process, our talented dentists can return the tooth to its original glory by cementing a custom-made crown for an impeccable fit.
Following a dental crown procedure, your mouth might need time to adjust to the new restoration. You may experience a few days of sensitivity or discomfort as the body adjusts to its new oral environment. However, with proper care, these post-procedure effects will soon dissipate so you can return to your daily life.
Give Your Pearly Whites Some Extra Protection with Dental Crowns
Your smile should never stop you from enjoying life! At Amigos Dental Care, Dr. Petersen and Dr. Tholstrom have restorative solutions that reduce discomfort due to trauma or infection. Get back to living your life to the fullest and schedule a restorative dentistry appointment in Salt Lake City online or by calling (385) 295-1601.
Until your next dental appointment, feel free to review our most-asked questions regarding dental crowns:
- How should I care for my temporary crown?
Taking care of a temporary crown is straightforward but requires extra care and patience. To keep your temporary dental crown in place, steer clear of sticky and chewy treats like chewing gum or caramel. Try shifting most of the work to the other side when you chew so there’s less pressure on that spot with a crown. You should also refrain from crunching hard foods – they could break or even pop off your temp! Lastly, gently slide out floss instead of lifting it up, ensuring everything stays securely fastened between brushing sessions!
- Do dental crowns require special care?
A crowned tooth may look flawless, but it’s not invincible! Ensure you maintain your oral hygiene routine to protect the underlying teeth from decay and gum disease. Brush twice a day & floss around the crown for extra care, and most importantly, never forget to show off that winning smile!